February 13, 2023 | TruckerTools

Broker Tip: Digital Freight Matching Terms and Tools 

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Smart Capacity Tips

This ongoing Broker Tip blog series is all about providing freight brokers like you with the tools and best practices to make you as efficient and productive as possible in your daily work. This newest blog focuses on digital freight matching, a technology whose value has skyrocketed in the last two to three years. Digital freight matching technology leverages real-time, real-world data to match your uncovered freight with available truck capacity. In this blog, you’ll gain a better understanding of the different digital freight matching tools in Trucker Tools’ Smart Capacity software platform and where to find these tools in the platform interface. 

Posted Load

A load that is pushed from your TMS and visible to carriers and drivers using Trucker Tools’ free carrier and driver tech is considered a Posted Load within Smart Capacity. On the map view in Smart Capacity, Posted Loads appear as red icons with pallets.  

Unposted Load

A load that has been unpublished or removed is no longer visible to carriers and drivers and is considered an Unposted Load. In the map view in Smart Capacity, an Unposted Load appears as a purple icon with a pallet.

In Network

An In Network carrier is part of your preferred network and is displayed with a green icon with a truck in the map view, Loads List, Carrier Activity tab and Carrier List in Smart Capacity. 

Out of Network

An Out of Network carrier uses Trucker Tools, but isn’t part of your preferred network. Out of Network carriers are displayed with a gray icon with a truck in the map view, Loads List, Carrier Activity tab and Carrier List in Smart Capacity. 

Active Dibs

Displayed with a light blue icon with a truck in the map view and Loads List, Active Dibs indicates a carrier that is actively hauling a load for your company. Active Dibs means you’re the only brokerage that can see that truck until 24 hours before expected delivery. 

My Capacity

My Capacity displays carriers that have been manually added through the Add Capacity feature or through email parsing using [email protected]. In the map view, Loads List and My Capacity search, My Capacity is displayed with a dark blue icon with a truck. 


T:L stands for Truck to Load ratio. You can view the In Network trucks to posted loads ratio or overall market truck to load ratio within Trucker Tools. T:L is displayed in the map view.

Loads List

The Loads List tab displays all posted and unposted loads within a date range and can be accessed on the top banner as a tab within Smart Capacity.

Loads List


Reloads are displayed in Loads List and in the Load Details screen if they are available. Displayed reloads are open loads within 150 miles of the delivery location for a load.

Smart Search

The Smart Search tool allows you to create a lane search that displays matching trucks using Smart Capacity’s matching algorithm. Smart Search can be accessed via the Loads List. 


BIN represents the Book It Now® rate that’s been imported from your TMS or manually entered. BINs can be viewed in the Loads List or under Load Details.

Read the previous blog in this series, “Broker Tip: Automate Rate Negotiations with New Smart Negotiations Tool.” 

Schedule a free demo of Trucker Tools’ Smart Capacity digital freight matching software.

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